Meet the Team

Here’s a bit more about our fabulous and fearless leaders. If you’re interested in joining the team, apply here.

  • Lead Pastor

    Although he aged out of the “young adult” category years ago, Eric has spent his career discipling college students. He is a writer, musician, actor, and the favorite human of his wife Denise’s ginger cat.

  • Pastor

    A United Methodist deacon and hospice chaplain, Sandee brings a heart for prayer and a listening ear to The Sanctuary. She is mom to Sophie, with whom she occasionally wanders the world.

  • Studio Team

    One of our intrepid graphic designers and musicians, Jacinda loves being a part of building something new with The Sanctuary. Christian community has been one of the most formational things in her life, and she’s eager to share it. She’s pictured here with Mateo, the canine ruler of Jacinda and Darius’s household.

  • Pantry Team

    Denise knows what it’s like to be lifted up by Christian community, and what it takes to lift others up as well. She is a pastor and an educator, with an emphasis on training groups how to deal with loss and grief. She is married to Eric and loves their cats.

  • Pantry Team

    If life is the best teacher, Lily has been on an accelerated learning path. After the death of her brother Simon, she found life and hope through Christian community, and she’s spent her adult life giving back, from her stint at a surfing ministry in Ireland to her current gig as the accidental pastor of her church in Omaha, where she lives with her rescue dog Lola.

  • Courtyard Team

    You may find Darius screaming at one of the three football games he watches at once on Saturdays and Sundays, but you probably won’t find him in front of the camera. Darius loves to be behind the scenes with the tech that is essential to The Sanctuary’s creative endeavors. He takes Jesus’ words in Matthew 6:33-34 seriously, trying hard to worry about each day as it presents itself.

  • Pantry Team

    Don’t let the gentle accent fool you. Karen will tell it like it is, when it comes to hospitality, inclusion, and justice. She’s always seeking to live out the command of Micah 6:8 to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with God—both among humans and her beloved dogs Kalli Rose and Ellie Rose.

  • Pantry Team

    A pastor in the Upper Midwest, Travis is passionate about creative ministry, especially teaching the Bible and building relationships in small groups.

  • Courtyard Team.

    Bryce is a musician, pastor, distance runner, and newlywed. He and his wife Meaghan love animals, to the tune of two dogs and five cats. When he’s not digging at Pastor Eric, Bryce is caring for others with a passion rivaled only by his delusional love for the San Francisco 49ers.

  • Pantry Team

    Macey works at CASA in Mitchell, organizing volunteers that help children through the courts in cases of abuse or neglect. On top of being one of the sweetest souls you’ll ever meet, Macey is a fitness enthusiast and aspiring cook.

  • Studio Team

    Kayla is always out for the underdog. During the day, she works as a special ed teacher in Mitchell. Most nights, you can find her volunteering at the Area Community Theater doing all the little unsung tasks that bring a show to life. She joined The Sanctuary leadership for a similar reason—to help create space for people who struggle to belong anywhere. (Oh, and in case you can’t tell, she’s another of The Sanctuary’s newlyweds.)

  • Studio Team

    Everyone is busy, but Andrea…she’s next level. A cradle United Methodist, Andrea is the go-to person for a host of causes and projects. She’s making strides on the self-care thing, even though she’s now enrolled in graduate school in Indianapolis. She loves fall—the specialty coffee offerings in particular—and loves that she can find community through The Sanctuary, even though she’s a long way from home at the moment.